North Stonington PTO

05 April 2022 / 7:00 PM / hybrid meeting


Mr. Nero briefly discussed the new superintendent and how the transition will run. He remains superintendent until June 30, but will work with the new superintendent before leaving. The budget was passed by the Board of Finance. Wood chips are being ordered for the playscape.  

Ms. Reyes the Juniors took the SAT online and everything went well. On Wednesday all the grade levels were brought together for some activities, which the students enjoyed. The giveback club took three students to Maine to volunteer. Spring sports have started! The monthly advisory lesson will happen tomorrow April 6th. The winter sports banquet will be held tomorrow night. Two students are being honored today. May 1st is Senior Decision day. May 25th is the district wellness day. Marc Tardiff will be requesting money for 8th grade t-shirts. 

Mr. Cillino shared that things are starting to get back to normal. The drama production went so well! Thank you to Kelly Gonzalez for all her hard work, and to all of the volunteers, too. This week grade three is presenting their play with Carol Glenn. NSES is also participating in the Wellness day on the 25th. The day of Awesomeness is coming up! He thanked Dawn and all the volunteers. Academically, the students have been prepping for the smart balance assessment. The school is piloting a new program called IXL, which so far has been successful. The reading specialist will be requesting money for the Governor’s reading challenge.


Linda Coats thanked the PTO for all their hard work. 


Treasurer’s Report

The starting balance for February was $34746.46.  After income and expenses, our ending balance was $33,850.68.  The report was approved by vote.

February Minutes

A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the February meeting minutes.



Family Fun Night will be this Friday, April 8th. We will be playing Bingo!

Day of Awesomeness will be on April 14th. Please sign up if you are interested in helping.

By-laws are with the attorney, and we will have an update soon.



Basket Raffle planning is going well. Basket themes are coming in quickly and we have student and teacher volunteers. 

Request and Review

Kindergarten and first grade tshirt request: $534.50

Mrs. Coats asked general questions about the request and review process

A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve with no discussion

Mrs. Williams requested $770 to fund a Reptiles expert visit for 6th graders.

A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve with no discussion

Ms. Reyes asked about adding the 8th grade t-shirts to the budget.

Mrs. Kiddy also asked general questions about the funding process for the 3rd grade play.

Rosanne shared the 2022-2023 Budget Presentation. She explained the changes made to the budget, and then went through it line by line. General discussion. 

Teachers described their requests and explained how they benefit the students.



Mrs. Anderson is looking for volunteers to help with the art show.

April 11 is the BOE meeting, please attend.

In May we will have elections for many chairs including fundraising, request and review, and auditing. We also have event coordinators for fall fest, penny wars, basket raffle, catalog sales, holiday sales, holiday portraits, and more. Please contact us if you’re interested. We cannot fund the budget without help.  


Meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm.