North Stonington PTO

January 2023 Meeting Minutes

vintage typewriter for meeting minutes logo


Dawn G, Rosanne S, Sally T, Christopher B, Missy D, Melissa B, Danielle S,  Amy L, Tessa C, Amanda B, Dayna M, Katie K, Hailie D

Alison Reyes, Troy Hopkins, Kelly Gonzales, Haley Smith



Meeting called to order at 7:02.


Mr. Hopkins provided handouts of the school calendar for 2023-2024. He also discussed schedule changes for the current school year regarding conferences. Elementary conference dates will now match Wheeler conference dates in April on the revised calendar. Mr. Hopkins also noted our new director of facilities Randy Rumrill. Randy has been a great asset to the district so far. The upcoming budget process and important dates were also noted. Mr. Hopkins encourages the community to get involved with the process and support the schools.  He also noted the upcoming meeting where Alison Mullane will present regarding Special Education.

Mrs. Reyes provided updates for Wheeler. Second quarter is closing and mid-year assessments begin Thursday, along with early release days through the 25th. Elementary school will not have early release on these days. Following the change made last year, assessments remain skills-based versus traditional exams. In February, scheduling for next year will begin between students and counselors. Parents will be receiving updates. The counseling department is also working on written curriculum.  Drama is working on The Little Mermaid. Career Day will be on March 28th. 

Ms. Smith, 2025 Class advisor and art teacher, was introduced. Ms. Smith elaborated on the skills-based mid-term process.  A spring formal is being planned along with class fundraising.

Mr. Cillino was unable to attend, but sent a written report outlining updates about STEAM week. 


Treasurer’s Report

The starting balance for December was $32,285.73.  After income and expenses, our projected ending balance was $47,539.89.  

A motion was made by Hailie, seconded by Missy, and approved to accept the report.

December Minutes

A motion was made by Danielle, seconded by Hailie, and approved to accept the amended December meeting minutes.


Request and Review




Family Fun Night: Bingo- Attendance was up significantly from last year and feedback was positive. Tessa ran the event and will also be chairing the remaining Family Fun Nights this year.  The next will be the St. Patrick’s Day family dance.

Coin Challenge: Update- Judy Main has stepped up to run the event on Fridays in February. More information will be coming shortly. Volunteers will be needed.



Co-chairs for Basket Raffle- This is a traditional event in North Stonington, however we have been working to find a chair for the event. This is a large event requiring a lot of time and effort, and we do not currently need to run the event in order to raise funds due to successful fundraisers so far this year.

Board openings for 2023-2024 school year- The four board officers are completing their two year terms.  All officers of the board are planning to step down from their current positions.  Other board members have expressed interest in the Secretary and Treasurer positions, but we are seeking nominations for all positions at the April meeting. 



Our upcoming budget planning process was noted. 

Dawn noted that Big Lux, a musician from Westerly, will be coming Friday, February 17th for an assembly for elementary and grades 7-9 at Wheeler. This assembly will touch on culture, the arts, and positive messages for students.  Thanks to Missy for coordinating this event.

The February meeting will fall on Winter Break, so the board will determine whether the meeting will be rescheduled and will notify the membership.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 pm.